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Domains in Asia

Asia is characterised by extraordinary cultural and economic diversity. It is a continent that is not only home to huge and influential economies such as China, Japan and India, but also the birthplace of numerous innovations and dynamic companies. The region is home to some of the world's largest and most innovative companies, such as Japanese technology corporations leading the way in electronics and robotics, or Chinese internet giants that are changing the way we live and work, among others. Asia is the home of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology and renewable energy, which are revolutionising various sectors of economies around the world. Asia also plays a key role in global trade. Asian countries are major producers of a variety of products, from textiles to high-tech electronics. Chinese factories are at the heart of global supply chains, providing products for global consumers. In addition, Asian financial markets, such as Tokyo and Hong Kong, are important centres for global investment and stock trading.

Today's Asian economy is not only made up of huge corporations, but also dynamic start-ups. Companies are emerging in various Asian countries that are changing the way we think about business, offering innovative solutions to local and global needs. All of this makes Asia an exciting place for entrepreneurs, investors and innovators who are looking for new opportunities and challenges in a rapidly changing economy.

At Intername, we excel at registering a wide variety of domains across the Asian continent. With our strong relationships with local domain registries, in-depth knowledge and extensive experience, we ensure smooth and fast domain name registration anywhere in Asia. Entrust us with your seamless domain registration in Asia and conquer its markets with us.

Browse nearly 40 countries in Asia and discover 94 national domain name extensions matching your chosen region, sorted by country. Easily find the right domain extension and abbreviated registration requirements for any Asian country in the full list below.



.AF are available for applicants from any country


No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions


No restrictions
Registration for companies only
Registration for companies only
Registration for companies only


Only for companies
Required local presence. We offer an Agent solution
Owner must be a local company or other requirement


No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions


Required local presence. Agent solution included in annual fee
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions


Required local address and contact. We offer an Agent solution free of charge
Applicant must be a Japanese company
Applicant must be a Japanese organisation


Required local name servers. Redirect solution offered free of charge


No restrictions


No restrictions


Local company and trademark required


Required local company. Agent solution offered
Required local company. Agent solution offered


Local company required. We offer our Agent service free of charge
Local company required. We offer our Agent service free of charge


No restrictions
Local company or Local Agent service required


No restrictions
No restrictions
No restrictions


No restrictions
No restrictions


No restrictions


Required local presence and admin contact. Agent solution offered
Required local presence and admin contact. Agent solution offered


Only for companies


No restrictions
No restrictions
Required local admin contact and any trademark
Required local admin contact and any trademark
Required local company or any trademark and local trade contact
No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions

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